
Insulation is easy to overlook when you think about weatherproofing your home, but it’s hard to overstate how important it is. says that sealing air leaks and adding insulation can lower energy costs by as much as 10% over the course of a year.

Types of Insulation. Insulation is rated according to its R-value, which measures its ability to resist heat traveling through it. The higher an insulation’s R-value, the better its thermal performance. But different levels work better in different parts of the country and on whether an attic is being insulated for the first time or not. recommends R49 to R60 for first-time attic insulation in Utah, and R38 to R49 for added insulation. The higher values are needed for the far northwest and upper northeast section of the state.

Get Paid to Insulate! For a limited time, two local utilities will pay you to upgrade your attic insulation and air seal your house. Not sure if you need insulation or where it’s needed? Contact Energy Savers to schedule an attic inspection at no cost to you and we will determine your eligibility for the upgrade. Act now before these rebate programs end.

Expert Installation. Energy Savers’ professional installers have upgraded the insulation for thousands of energy-conscious customers across the Wasatch region. Contact us today to find out how we can help you lower your energy costs and warm your home against Utah winters.

How It Works

By adding additional insulation in your attic you could save up to 20% on your current utility bills.  Additional insulation will also drastically reduce wear on your furnace, and air conditioning units.
Studies have shown that by increasing the R value in qualified homes from R19 to R38, your home could be up to 26% more efficient. (Colorado Study, 1989)  How do you know if your home qualifies?  There are three qualifiers that will determine if your home is a candidate for attic insulation incentives and rebates.

  1. Current attic insulation incentives are offered through RMP and Questar gas. You must be a customer to qualify. Additional qualifications also apply. Please call us for details.
  2. Incentives apply for existing homes only.
  3. Your home must benefit from an insulation upgrade.  This is determined by our trained installers at installation.

energy savers insulation contractor


Why do the utility companies pay us to make our homes more efficient?

  1. As demand for gas and power grow, the utility companies are forced to build and purchase more infrastructure. This can be an expensive burden for the power companies.  By making the existing infrastructure (grid) more efficient, more homes can be serviced by power already supported within the grid, which in turn means less construction of “new” infrastructure.
  2. Much of the gas and power that we consume is purchased by the utility companies.  If our homes are more efficient, there is less need to purchase additional energy to keep up with demand. This is a money saving solution for the Utility Companies.
  3. Political reasons. There are major efforts from the Federal Government to make our society more green and efficient.  Companies across the world are seeking a legitimate claim at being a “Green Company”. Not only are Questar Gas and Rocky Mountain Power gaining  political goodwill, but their reputation with the consumer also grows substantially as they keep our costs down and help Utah become more environmentally friendly.

Homes that qualify for additional attic insulation can receive a rebate that has been put in place by both Rocky Mountain Power, and Questar Gas. We have financing options that allow you to do same as cash or monthly payment options along with rebates.